Yu is a passionate girl
- 投稿者名
- Roro
- このお店で遊んだ回数
- はじめて
- 遊んだ日
- 2024年06月
- 遊んだコース
- ヘルスコース
- 追加したOP
- ---
- 写真の信頼度
- 写真通り!
- プロフの信頼度
- プロフィール以上!!
- 総合評価
- ★★★★★
- ヘルステクニック
- 今までで一番気持ちよかった♡
- リピート
- 絶対に遊びたい!!
- 遊んだエリア
- 東京都・新宿
- ホテルの最寄り駅と駅からの移動時間
- ---
- 遊んだホテル
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- ホテルの感想
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- キャストさんの印象・人柄
- Yu is very professional about her work and acts like she is truly the girlfriend which is really cute.Also she is really good at the health course and I learned a lot.being with Yu is really relaxing and comfortable.
- 次レズ風俗で遊ぶとしたらしたいこと
- Health course
- 全体の感想
Yu brings me a wonderful experience.thanks for recommending Yu to me.
- スタッフ対応
- The staff is really kind and helpful,I really appreciate about it!
- レズ風俗遊びでこのお店をおすすめしたい度
- 積極的にすすめたい!!
Hi, Lolo! Thank you for the lovely review ✨ You felt that way, did you?! 😍✨ I am so, so happy! I’m really glad it was a wonderful time for you ✨ Spending time with you was really enjoyable 💗 I was also very happy that you touched me a lot 😍 It was fun, comfortable, and it passed by in a flash, right? 😂💕 Thank you for showing me your cute side 😍 Please come and visit anytime! Thank you for the wonderful time 💕